I’m trying to find “ICU” mentions.
In the trainer it finds them fine and I can annotate.
Importing the trained model or the base KCH model and calling cat.get_entities('%some ICU related phrase%) returns None.
Entering the snomed code in get name returns the correct ICU related name entries.
Entering one of those ICU related name entries in get entities also returns None.
General annotation for medical concepts also with SNOMED codes associated with them appears to work fine, but ICU/ITU mentions are ignored.
Is this normal behaviour?
Is there a flag I need to set?
snomed_filter = [‘397821002’, ‘309904001’]
in: cat.cdb.cui2names.get(‘309904001’)
in:cat.get_entities(‘Intensive care unit (environment)’)
out:{‘entities’: {}, ‘tokens’: }
in:cat.get_entities(‘Intensive care unit’)
out:{‘entities’: {}, ‘tokens’: }