Hello MedCAT team,
I would like to run experiments with MedCAT on the same datasets used in the MedCAT publication:
“Multi-domain clinical natural language processing with MedCAT: The Medical Concept Annotation Toolkit” (2021)
At the bottom of the publication it is stated:
“All code for running the experiments, the toolkit and integration with wider CogStack deployments are available here: MedCAT: GitHub - CogStack/MedCAT: Medical Concept Annotation Tool (…)”
But I did not find the code required to run the experiments in the MedCAT Github.
Did I perhaps oversee it somewhere?
I understand that it might not be possible to share the datasets freely (altough medmentions is in the repo), but it would help a lot to have access to the Code used for the experiments and then datasets can then be added manually by me where they are needed.
I know that the original MedCAT models for the experiments in the publication are not publicly available (MedCAT model used in validation · Issue #379 · CogStack/MedCAT · GitHub) but I hope the code can be shared.
Kind regards
Kim Tang