MedCat Trainer add concept dropdown broken with alternative CDB

Term has been identified in trainer as the wrong concept. Click alternative and enter name of desired term.

Expected behaviour:
Drop down will enumerate partial matches for selection.

Actual behaviour:
No drop down is displayed. Loading wheel spins and shows no matching options.

Trainer v2.3.8, dockerised.
Project is using a CDB from a previously fine tuned model pack. (The CDB from the model pack already on this trainer instance, the KCH base model works and the dropdown shows matches.)

Project settings:
Concept DB and concept filter are set to the same uploaded CDB.
restrict lookup disabled.
*Selecting other or all other search filter CDB options does not resolve the broken search.

@Samora - what does the main project page show. If the concepts have been imported into a solr search index, and you’ve correctly configured the project to use this CDB - you should see a green tick as an admin user: e.g:

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the quick reply,

The project shows an X where you’ve pointed to.

"correctly configured the project to use this CDB "

I’ve set it in the project already. I hadn’t selected it in the project annotation api> concept DB page and selected import concepts and then hit GO.

After doing this all appears to be working well.

Thanks again!

@Samora - no worries - glad its fixed!

Hi, @Samora. I am having the same issue with the concept not appearing imported in the Dashboard. Please could you clarify your solution, where were you able to import the concepts?

Hi Elana,

For your specific problem I have used the Admin site, >>concept db >>select the model tick box >>action drop down >>import concepts >> hit “Go” and wait a few minutes. Under home >> tasks you should see progress. and home >> completed.

The overall solution was to initially report it to Tom who has patched it in the latest version.
A docker pull of the latest was required (2.5.3) and then my project needed the concept database to be re-added.(I deleted it from solr and from concept db, reuploaded the cdb.dat)
In my case I ended up adding the additional concepts in python before reuploading.

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