MedCAT trainer GUI concept summary empty

v2.5.3 trainer

Concept summary was populated at the start of the project.

After annotating 120 or so documents concepts highlighted no longer show summary, cui, pretty name etc. Only the annotated text is populated.
Submitting an annotation/document shows the cui for the concept which should but no longer shows in the summary.

Having the same issue in v2.5.0.
As a workaround, clicking on one of the annotations in the summary and then re-submitting, shows the summary complete with all fields.

@elenaP - there’s a couple of issues with v2.5.0

I’d recommend you upgrade to v2.5.3

If there are still issues with concept details appearing in the summary, go to :8983/solr/ , delete the collection via:

Then re-upload the concepts via the usual means : :8001/admin/api/conceptdb → import concepts from db

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